Research Areas
Faculty Research Areas
Cover of Journal of the American Chemical Society March 6, 2024 issue featuring research from Yao Lin, Challa V. Kumar, and colleagues

Journal of the American Chemical
Society March 6, 2024 issue
featuring research from Yao Lin,
Challa V. Kumar, and colleagues

Sotzing Group - Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Sotzing Research Group
"Materials for Optical, Magnetic,
and Electronic Devices"
Journal of Materials Chemistry C
May 2020

Lin Research Group - Nature Chemistry - 2017

Lin Research Group
"Expression of Cellulolytic
Enzyme as a Fusion Protein
That Reacts Specifically With
a Polymeric Scaffold"
Nature Chemistry, 2017

Cover of "Inorganic Chemistry" August 21, 2023 issue featuring research from Yi Zhang, Luyi Sun, and colleagues

Sun Research Group research "Role of Impurities in Kaolinite Intercalation and Subsequent Formation of Nanoscrolls" garners cover of "Inorganic Chemistry" August 21, 2023

Sotzing Group - Advanced Materials - May 2020

Sotzing Research Group
"Molecular Engineering: Flexible
Temperature-Invariant Polymer
Dielectrics with Large Bandgap"
Advanced Materials, May 2020

Nieh Research Group - Polymer Physics - February 2017

Nieh Research Group
"The role of TEOSā€TIP within a
pentablock ionomer: Morphology,
physical properties, and ion transport"
Polymer Physics, February 2017

Sotzing Group - Small - August 2021

Sotzing Research Group with
the EIRC Center (Prof. Yang Cao)
"All-Organic Flexible Ferroelectret
Nanogenerator with Fabric-Based
Electrodes for Self-Powered Body
Area Networks" Small, August 2021

Nieh Research Group - Nanoscale - 2019

Nieh Research Group
"A universal discoidal nanoplatform
for the intracellular delivery of PNAs"
Nanoscale, 2019

IMS Research Facilities

Woodland Walk

Innovation Partnership Building

Innovation Partnertship Building